Commons Carbon Calculator
The Commons Carbon Calculator
We know that many farm businesses now need a footprint calculation to supply either meat or crops.
We also know that it is important to reflect the uniqueness of upland farming systems in measurement tools.
So we have developed the Commons Carbon Calculator in partnership with the Farm Carbon Toolkit. It offers tailored carbon footprint calculations, including accounting for carbon on commons.
Farmers and commoners can also test various scenarios, such as grazing management, feed options, or stocking densities. This gives a better understanding of any areas where improvements to the footprint could be made.
To get started you will need to know the total size of the common, its location, and a few details about the habitats present. The details on the land use type and habitats may come from a stewardship scheme, mapping, or from existing knowledge.
The following resources will help you use the Commons Carbon Calculator
Project Officers
For further information on using the Commons Carbon Toolkit please contact the Project Officer in your area in the first instance.