Creating Maps from UK Soils Observatory

Compiling Data on Public Goods on Common Land

  1. Go to the UK Soils Observatory UKSO

  2. On the left hand side under UKSO type in the location you would like to find (click the down arrow if not showing)

  3. Use your mouse roller to zoom in or out.

  4. Choose your layers from the Map Layers – top right – click down arrow.

  5. There are many, many layers – we suggest the following as a starter. A dash (-) indicates your layer has been applied:

    a. Peat Coverage

    b. Soil Layer Depth

    c. Surface Slope > 12%

    d. Land Cover Map 2015

  6. It can be hard to views more than one layer at once – so you can tick and untick to see them

  7. It doesn’t seem possible to export share files but you can export as a pdf / png or take a screen shot.

  8. We think the Land App will add some of these layers but not available quite yet

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.

Magic - Compiling Data on Public Goods on Common Land